Status report: testing and integration

The test­ing and inte­gra­tion of the new MIMU22BT mod­ules are slowly pro­gress­ing. So far so good! Above you see one of the mod­ules with a cas­ing printed in white by My feel­ing is that the new mod­ules give sig­nif­i­cantly improved per­for­mance but this far I have not made any rig­or­ous per­for­mance tests. Before I did this I wanted to increase the inter­nal sam­pling fre­quency (see pre­vi­ous post) and write soft­ware such that I could log all the raw data to an Android phone rather than a lap­top. Car­ry­ing around a phone instead of a lap­top is way more con­ve­nient when col­lect­ing a lot of data. The for­mer is done while the lat­ter remains.

We have now essen­tially replaced the old ADIS16367-based mod­ules in the TOR sys­tem with the new mod­ules. The wire­less con­nec­tions are a great improve­ment com­pared to the old cabled con­nec­tions. I don’t miss bro­ken cables, unplugged con­nec­tors, USB hubs, and the trip­wires the made up at all. (The wire­less con­nec­tion to the Android phones is up and run­ning but to log all raw data in order to carry out a per­for­mance eval­u­a­tion the wired con­nec­tion need to be set up as well.)

In the test­ing and inte­gra­tion we have not encoun­tered any major hard­ware issues this far. There are a bunch of small things I would like to change such as place­ment of LEDs, exchange the power switch with a push but­ton with a latch cir­cuit, and so on. How­ever, over­all the mod­ules seems to work reli­ably, for our purposes.

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