2 more complete units assembled

After get­ting some more IMUs from Ana­logue Devices last week, tonight I assem­bled two more com­plete units. I was happy to see that every­thing worked fine out-of-the-box. How­ever, I man­aged to crack a cas­ing when I pressed down an IMU. The tol­er­ances of the IMUs are a cou­ple of tenth of mm and I guess this unit was slightly big­ger than the oth­ers. Be aware that this can happen!

Some small com­ments about new IMUs. First of all, per default they come with a 4-tap low-pass fil­ter turned on. This can be turned off with the set_lowpass_filter_imu.m file among the Mat­lab con­trol scripts. Also, out of the box, the gyros have rather large biases up to 1°/s. There­fore, the gyro­scope cal­i­bra­tion rou­tine should be run once to make the sys­tem per­form better.

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