New publications

We have recently got 3 con­tri­bu­tions accepted to the IPIN con­fer­ence (13-15th Nov, Sid­ney) related to the Open­Shoe plat­form. The titles of the papers are:

  • Fus­ing Infor­ma­tion from Mul­ti­ple Nav­i­ga­tion Sys­tems Using an Upper Bounds on their Spa­tial Separations

  • Smooth­ing for ZUPT-aided INSs

  • A note on the lim­i­ta­tions of ZUPTs and the impli­ca­tions on sen­sor error modeling

    Also a 4th con­tri­bu­tion related to the plat­form will be pre­sented by col­legues from Spain:

    • A Con­straint Approach for UWB and PDR Fusion

    More infor­ma­tion will be posted shortly. If you are inter­ested in pre-prints please con­tact us at The arti­cles will be posted on this home­page as soon as they are avail­able in IEEE-xplorer. How­ever, this will prob­a­bly take a cou­ple of more month.


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