Repos updated

Our SSH ser­vice is up and run­ning again and all repos has been updated. Also the code doc­u­men­ta­tion has been updated. The code is almost fully doc­u­mented by now and has been restruc­tured which should make it eas­ier to use. Espe­cially all tab­u­lated infor­ma­tion, for con­trol of and com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the Open­Shoe sys­tem, has been bro­ken out into sep­a­rat files. This way, adding com­mands and new pro­cess­ing func­tions becomes easier.

A doc­u­ment describ­ing the over all archi­tec­ture of the run­time frame­work has been added under Sys­tem description->Software.

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