Infrastructure free cooperative localization

Roughly a year after the Open­Shoe imple­men­ta­tion was pub­lished and after a hec­tic year of fur­ther devel­op­ment, we have now devel­oped a com­plete real-time multi-agent coop­er­a­tive local­iza­tion sys­tem based on the setup illus­trated in the image above. An arti­cle describ­ing the main parts of this sys­tem is avail­able at arXiv (Coop­er­a­tive local­iza­tion by dual foot-mounted iner­tial sen­sors and inter-agent rang­ing)

This work on coop­er­a­tive local­iza­tion is not really a part of the Open­Shoe project but it nat­u­rally have many con­nec­tions since the Open­Shoe units are an cru­cial com­po­nent in it. From the Open­Shoe per­spec­tive, the main result of the arti­cle is that it describes how the Open­Shoe units should be integrated/viewed from a sys­tem per­spec­tive. Also, build­ing the sys­tem has forced us update the soft­ware of the sys­tem and to imple­ment many new fea­tures. I hope that I will soon find find the time to clean up these fea­tures and merge the banches with the trunk on SourceForge.

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