Current development

We are cur­rently in a period of inten­sive devel­op­ment. We have now used our units for over two years. Dur­ing this period we have learnt a lot and the devel­op­ment on the sen­sor mar­ket has been sig­nif­i­cant. To take advan­tage of this we are now devel­op­ing a new gen­er­a­tion of the mod­ules as well as mak­ing sig­nif­i­cant updates to the embed­ded soft­ware. The tar­geted fea­tures for the new mod­ules are:
– Sin­gle chip IMUs (lower cost and pro­file)
– Wire­less and bat­tery pow­er­ing
– Inclu­sion of a mem­ory
– Mag­ne­tome­ters
After a stopover at IISc, John-Olof is at IIT Kan­pur (India) since a week back in time. Here the tar­get is to carry out the devel­op­ment in coop­er­a­tion with GT Sil­i­con Pvt Ltd, an elec­tronic sys­tems design com­pany with whom we have had a long relation.

Cur­rently, we are in a PCB design and fab­ri­ca­tion phase. The IMU array boards which were briefly men­tioned in this post is to some degree a pre­de­ces­sor of these mod­ules (as well as a sep­a­rate track in terms of research) and have been act­ing as test­boards for some embed­ded software-hardware design ideas. In par­al­lel with the devel­op­ment with the new mod­ules, we are work­ing on the soft­ware. Some of the soft­ware updates are already avail­able on Source Forge. For exam­ple sup­port for the IMU array is already there. Cur­rently a com­plete mea­sure­ment fron­tend is under development.

More infor­ma­tion will be posted shortly.

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