

The front side of the Open­Shoe printed cir­cuit board assembly.


The printed cir­cuit board assem­bly (PCA) used in the Open­Shoe project is based upon a four layer printed cir­cuit board (PCB), designed in Cadence OrCAD. The schematic, the art files, and the com­po­nent list for the printed cir­cuit board assem­bly can be down­loaded here



Small inter­face PCB


As an inter­face the main sys­tem, a small board con­nected with a cable to the main board has been used. The small board con­tains a mini-USB con­nec­tor and a push but­ton. The push but­ton is used to launch the boot­loader on the micro­con­troller for repro­gram­ming it via the USB. The pro­duc­tion files for the small board can be down­loaded here

Any stan­dard PCB print­ing ser­vice should be able to accept the pro­duc­tion files.

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